카테고리 없음
[하루 10분 영어] 구동사 3
2024. 10. 14. 23:21
구동사: 동사 + 전치사/ 부사
end up
결국 ~하게 되다.
ex) Don't push your luck. You'll end up losing money. (그렇게 운만 믿지마. 결국 너는 돈을 다 잃게 될 거야.)
ex) If you keep doing it, you'll end up in jail.
fill up
~을 (가득) 채우다
ex) Fill up the bucket with warm water.
ex) Fill it up, please (가득 채워주세요! 만땅이요!)
fill in
~을 채워넣다, 기입하다.
ex) Fill in the blanks.
ex) Fill me in. (=Let me know. 자세히 알려줘, 자세히 설명해줘)
fill out
~을 채워넣다, 기입하다.
ex) Fill out the form.
make up
지어내다, 꾸미다
ex) I don;t believe what you're saying. You're just making it up.
구성하다, 차지하다
ex) Eating tasty food makes up a big part of my life.
ex) They kissed and made up as usual.
보상하다, 보답하다.
ex) I can make it up to you.
ex) I will make it up to you somehow.